OPtimal recovery associates
ORCA is proud to associate themselves with leading figures in the recovery field

Dominique VINCENZ
Dominique, our Lead Facilitator is a professional recovery coach, trauma-informed yoga instructor, and a lead-facilitator with ORCA.
Dominique Vincenz is proud to join Optimal Recovery Coaching Associates as a lead facilitator. Dominique is a certified Recovery Coach. She began her coaching journey by certifying as an Erickson Professional Coach, subsequently specializing in the field of addiction recovery, completing her training with CCAR. Grateful to be in long-term recovery herself, she has worked in the field of addiction for over a decade.
Dominique is also a trauma-informed yoga teacher and has brought her teachings to various treatment centers and hospitals as well as the Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services in British Columbia, guiding clients through mindfulness practices for PTSD, addiction, and mental health.
A mother of two adult children, Dominique’s life is enhanced by her connection to family and friends and her love of nature. She shares her passion for photography with her husband, Tom, as they enjoy hiking together and capturing the beauty around them.
ALAN frank
Alan is a lead facilitator with ORCA, a Recovery Coach and Trainer. He believes any fully supported individual connected to necessary resources can thrive and flourish. Alan embodies recovery-oriented practice, empowering individuals from a place of personal strength and agency.
Alan brings extensive experience in delivering community, corporate and, post-secondary training to diverse groups. He is a trained Peer Support Practitioner, having worked with Canadian Mental Health, facilitated training at STARS Ambulance, and volunteers with Prospect Human Services. Alan completed his initial recovery training through CCAR and is committed to enhancing his professional and personal development through ongoing seminars, certifications, and mentorship. He is a member of CACCF, CCAR, NAADAC.
Alan is in long-term recovery and is active in both the recovery community and other communities. He is a board member with the HIV Community Link HEAT program. His 40-year career has included leadership, change management, innovation, and human empowerment. Alan is an advocate for building recovery capital and into bringing excellence to the para-profession of Recovery Coaching.
Alan is an avid traveler, interested in ancient history, culture, and food. He is originally from Saskatchewan, returning often to visit family. Alan’s passion is in engaging, facilitating ,and connecting to the human experience. His vision to make a difference in the lives of others is built on a foundation of spirituality, truth-seeking, and BEING REAL.
Any fully supported individual connected to necessary resources can thrive and flourish.