Recovery Coach Supervised Practicum
This is a 10-hour course hosted online where graduates of the ORCA RC Course can attend and receive valuable supervision and mentoring from ORCA trainers as they navigate the challenges of becoming qualified and competent Recovery Coaches. Attendees will need to attend a total 10 1-hour sessions to complete the training.
In addition to working through real-life scenarios and receiving valuable advice and feedback on their practices, attendees will consider and present on a case study and review ethical, boundary and practices issues.
This training will further equip graduates working as Recovery Coaches and allow them to gain educational credits.
Who is this for?
Graduates of the RC Course who have started or are about to start working as Recovery Coaches.
You will:
Be mentored and supervised by qualified and experienced Recovery Coach trainers
Become confident and competent to continue on a career as a Recovery Coach
You are:
Prepared to learn and work in an energetic and professional setting
Willing to open your mind to improvement, new practices and information
Ready to progress in your career as a Recovery Coach
Program details:
The next course will be offered online only in our virtual classroom via Zoom
The format is 10 x 1-hour sessions, Monday nights from 6-7pm PST
All necessary materials will be provided
Cost: $1000 CDN plus applicable taxes (materials included)